Stewart Bowman gay porn slut and cocksucker

1638 views since Aug 27, 2017
I'm Stewart Bowman, that's my real name. I have stopped hiding behind my fake porn name and I've fully embraced the fact that I am a total faggot that nature created to provide real men with something that will always be available for you to fuck at any hour of day or night and to use in any other way that might give you pleasure regardless of what is done to me to give you that pleasure, because I am a total faggot with zero limits. What happens to me is of absolutely zero importance to anyone because no matter what you do to me, even if it causes me to suffer great agony it is totally acceptable as long as it gives a real man just the slightest moment of pleasure because that is all that matters. I'm just an object to be used and nature designed me to be just that so that no one has any concern even if I disappear as a result of someone's use of me it shall not matter to anyone. The only thing that matters is that the man or men using me enjoy themselves by using me however they might want, with no limits or restrictions on their use of me.