MY FULL SUPER AWESOME FAGGOT Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator EXPOSURE

<3<3<3 FAGGOT <3<3<3 <3<3<3 FAGGOT <3<3<3 <3<3<3 FAGGOT <3<3<3 MY FULL SUPER AWESOME FAGGOT Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator EXPOSURE - Full name: Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator - Address: Safirgränd 5, S-82531 IGGESUND, Sweden - Phone: +4673-8246798 - Social security number (as shown in my FAG-ID): 19700130-7532 - Email: - Exposure: Oh, hell yeah! Everywhere, publicly online! The more the better! ???????????? ???????????????????????? "This is what I want and need to happen for real, so this is not my fantasy or fetish: Everyone has permission to use my sexy full body nude pix, hot cum vidz and all my personal info to expose me anywhere and everywhere, preferarbly publicly online - or on printed posters downtown!" "I love sucking cock and I also sooo love having horny and naked men lining up to fuck my ass and mouth at the same time as I hold two other guys cocks masturbating them! The more guys waiting and using me for sex the better! I also love being filmed and photographed will being used - and even better: being exposed publicly online with that and all my other sexual faggot material!" ALSO POSTED ON: Full Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator EXPOSURE DROPBOX: Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator BLOG: <3<3<3 FAGGOT <3<3<3 <3<3<3 FAGGOT <3<3<3 <3<3<3 FAGGOT <3<3<3

Comments (9)

by ChristoferFaggot 1 year ago

Please sign our petition you too - to MAKE PUBLIC NUDITY MAINSTREAM IN SWEDEN TOO!

We are 31 supporters so far and if you haven't already, please click link and sign our petition you too - to MAKE PUBLIC NUDITY MAINSTREAM IN SWEDEN TOO!

...and most of all: Please also share this link to all your friends and followers and tell them to sign too!

by ChristoferFaggot 2 years ago

- Full name: Christofer Döss Sex Exhib & Public Masturbator
- Address: Safirgränd 5, S-82531 IGGESUND, Sweden
- Phone: +4673-8246798
- Social security number (as shown in my FAG-ID): 19700130-7532
- Email:
- Exposure: Oh, hell yeah! Everywhere, publicly online! The more the better!